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PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tag "groupe:clever age"

18 June 2007

Akrogen Plugin

Akrogen is code generation Eclipse Plugin (version 3.2.*) oriented components. With Akrogen you can describe your Eclipse Wizards pages with XML/XUL which are linked to a template which is able to generate your components (Service, DAO, JSP, HTML...). You can use scripts written with Javascript syntax to define logic of yours Wizards page.

Zend Framework | Carsten’s Random Ramblings

There were just enough “this will be in an upcoming version” comments to make me believe that the project hasn’t really come very far despite it’s 1.0 tag. Judging by some of the questions people asked, I was obviously not the only one with that reaction. -- Why Do People Write Free Documentation? Results of a Survey

A unique survey ran on O'Reilly's web site during the first three months of 2007, aimed at people who contribute free documentation to online mailing lists, web sites, and other forums. The survey garnered 354 responses, which in itself indicates the thriving state of free documentation and the dedication of the people who write it.

11 June 2007 Exception-Handling Antipatterns

by 1 other (via)
Should you throw an exception, or return null? Should you use checked or unchecked exceptions? For many novice to mid-level developers, exception handling tends to be an afterthought. Their typical pattern is usually a simple try/catch/printStackTrace(). When they try to get more creative, they usually stumble into one or more common exception handling antipatterns.

Joe Gregorio | BitWorking | In which we narrowly save Dare from inventing his own publishing protocol

by 1 other
Ah, so if these issues just turn out to be misunderstandings on your part then Microsoft will just use the APP and not roll out its own protocol? I'm so glad to hear that.

07 June 2007

Achieving Openness: a closer look at ODF & OOXML

While ODF is revealed as sufficiently open across all four key criteria, OOXML shows relative weakness in each criteria and offers fundamental flaws that undermine its candidacy as a global standard.

MySQL and the The Death of RAID « Kevin Burton’s NEW FeedBlog

RAID is dying. Shocked? The prediction might be a bit early for some folks. It’s still somewhat conventional for some people to think that RAID is a conservative way to scale your IO.

06 June 2007

WADL waffling

Joe Gregorio answered some questions about WADL in his post "Do we need WADL?". Also note that Leonard Richardson has chimed in recently on the WADL issue. And I of course have some different thoughts. :-)

04 June 2007

25 May 2007

Premature Optimization » Zend_Search_Lucene talk slides

by 2 others
I think that my main goal, which was to show how easy it is to start indexing existing content, was acheived and several people came to me and said they thing Zend_Search_Lucene is one killer component.

21 May 2007

OSS Watch - Open Source Maturity Model

The Navica Open Source Maturity Model (OSMM) was developed to help IT procurement managers to better compare and assess Open Source Software (OSS).

18 May 2007

15 May 2007

Jimdo and Northclick Dev-Blog » Getting the PHP fatal errors

by 1 other (via)
One big issue of the PHP error handling is that there’s no built-in way to catch fatal errors with an user-defined error handler. So I thought a little bit about it and maybe you have better approaches or solutions … The short goal is to send the error via e-mail to the developer(s). As we are security-aware, we’re logging errors and do not display them to the world. (Hint: that should be your default on every production machine!)

May 12 :: Horde_Lens :: very.excited.schnauzer

At a high level, Horde_Lens_Iterator implements the SPL OuterIterator interface to wrap an Iterator - in this case our result set - inside another iterator. The OuterIterator controls access to the InnerIterator.

12 May 2007

SilverStripe - Open Source CMS / Framework

by 10 others
Powerful enough for any website or intranet design and simple enough for your Mum to use

Violet UML Editor : easy to use, completely free

by 3 others
Violet is a UML editor with these benefits: Very easy to learn and use. Draws nice-looking diagrams. Completely free. Cross-platform. Violet is intended for developers, students, teachers, and authors who need to produce simple UML diagrams quickly

11 May 2007 » ntfslink

NTFS Link makes creating a link or junction via the Windows Explorer as easy as copying a file. It also adds a couple of features to improve their usability, e.g. by highlighting links via icon overlays, and making sure junctions are deleted correctly.

10 May 2007

07 May 2007

minify - Google Code

by 11 others (via)
Minify attempts to fix this problem by combining multiple CSS or JavaScript files into one download. By default, it also removes comments and unnecessary whitespace to decrease the amount of data that must be sent to the browser. Most importantly, it does all of this on the fly and requires only a few simple changes to your existing web pages.

04 May 2007

symfony Web PHP framework » symfony Weblog » Book translations integrated

To give more visibility to these translations and leverage the effort, we've just integrated the available translations to the official documentation pages.

25 April 2007

DLFP: Talend Open Studio 2.0.0

by 1 other (via)
La version 2.0.0 de Talend Open Studio est sortie le 11 avril 2007.

24 April 2007

eZ Publish Extension for Oracle® Database released under Open Source license / News / Company

eZ Systems has displayed its strong commitment to Open Source by releasing the eZ Publish Extension for Oracle® Database under the GNU General Public License (GPL). This extension was previously only available under a proprietary license and was sold from $899 to $2999. It is now freely available.